
Get ready for one stellar career year, Capricorn! 2014 could easily be one of your most successful years on record, thanks to a huge conglomeration of planetary energies pushing you to the next level with your professional goals. For one thing you'll have the planet of drive powering up the top of your horoscope for an extended stay, January through July. Plus, the North Node of Fate will meet up with Mars in March in your professional zone through the end of the year, making the push to excel a dire necessity. Finally, add to all of this ambition the fact that lovely Venus will be kicking off the year in your stars for the first two months. She'll be retrograde during your birthday month in January, urging you to revisit old values and relationships. You may even see old friends or lovers crawling out of the woodwork. When Venus moves forward in February, you can expect some serious sweetness in your relationships -- and possibly some extra cash.

Saturn, your ruling planet continues his tour through your house of friends and large-scale life ambition in 2014. The work you began last year in terms of restructuring your values around both your social life and long-term goals continues to solidify as you deepen your commitment level. You appreciate the time it takes to make something solid, and you're starting to see some major pay-offs this year. You're also now realizing how important business partners, friends and colleagues are in supporting your life goals and keeping you emotionally balanced. Never will you take any of these precious allies for granted for even a second (not that you ever did).

Family life and domestic issues are another important theme in 2014. You will happily be letting go of many ancient family patterns. This is a year to shed any ongoing family baggage. You don't need it anymore, Capricorn. It's also the year to give up the fight in favor of greater peace of mind. It's just not worth battling with relatives or family members over the same issues year after year. Now you'll be ready put your foot down, refusing to participate in any more drama. This doesn't make you a bad person, so don't let the typical Capricorn guilt set in once you free yourself from the chains.

Capricorn Love

The year begins with the planet of love and beauty (Venus) in your sign -- but going retrograde. This means you're in a more nostalgic and reflective zone around relationships. Old lovers may reappear if there's any unfinished business. Or you may just be thinking about your past patterns and cycles in love relationships. Either way, it's a time of powerful introspection and reflection. If you're in a committed relationship, you may be craving a pause if not a serious time-out. It's not a time for big decisions or rushing forward with partners. If you've been fighting over money with your beloved, you may want to put any big financial planning talks on hold until February. The upside to this transit in January is that your appreciation for the sweetness and beauty in your relationships is enhanced.

Venus will come out of retrograde in February, allowing you to feel like you're finally moving forward with relationships. You can now apply all that you've learned during the Venus retrograde phase for the rest of the year. It's another year of breaking negative or addictive cycles in love. You've been on both sides of the power spectrum, Capricorn, and you're learning that you would most thrive in a coupling of equals. Of course, this is easier said than done, but you're getting closer than ever to attracting a harmonious match -- or reworking the power dynamics in your current commitment.

Jupiter will move into your zone of sexuality and intimacy this summer, bringing you plenty of opportunities to get passionate and deep with your beloved. Yes, this may require exploring some of the skeletons in your own psychic closet along the way, but it's worth the sexy rewards. If you're willing to face some of your darkest fears and insecurities this year, the level of connection you'll feel with your beloved will be off the charts!

Capricorn Career

To say that 2014 promises to go down as a career year for you to remember is no exaggeration, Capricorn. You've been working your tail off the past few years with Pluto and Saturn pushing you past any remaining comfort zones -- and the rewards are just beginning to peak. Plus, with Mars pushing you hard for the entire first half of 2014, there'll be no rest for the weary. But not to worry because you're at your best -- and often happiest -- whilst being an industrious little goat. Achievement is incredibly fulfilling, and this year the planets are bringing you ample opportunities to excel.

Saturn (your governing planet) continues to underscore your zone of group associations and long-term plans in 2014. The more people you can enlist to support your cause, the stronger your campaign. Although you pride yourself on being a strong and independent pioneer, having a superstar team to back you is priceless this year. In fact, networking continues to be key in 2014, and socializing proves to be more constructive than frivolous. Carve out time in your busy schedule to get yourself out there. You never know who you will meet, and this year you're sure to rub elbows some serious heavyweights in your chosen field.

Lucky Jupiter will move into your house of other people's money starting in July. This is an excellent influence if you need to borrow money or garner investors to support your bigger plans. You'll be wildly surprised by the generosity of others in 2014. It's rare for you to ask for any kind of financial help as it goes against your self-reliant nature. However, this is just a means to an end, Capricorn. You're bound to be so successful that you'll pay it all back in no time. Your moneymaking mojo is especially strong in February, so you may want to stash away that cash for future plans.

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01/02/2014 7:15 am
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