
2014 is the year of expansion, fulfilling work and stellar wellbeing, Taurus! If you've fallen prey to the typical Taurus legacy of neglecting your own needs and taking care of everyone else's problems, this is the year to take your power and your life force back so that you can invest in a brand-new life. No, this does not make you selfish or uncaring, this makes you true yourself and with a greater capacity to give to your loved ones because you will no longer be running on empty -- which is probably how you've felt over the past few years. You've certainly learned the art of releasing control in 2013. The good news is that the fog is finally about to lift as the South Node finally moves out of your stars this March. You've been letting go of so many things -- from material possessions to antiquated concepts around values and security. In fact, you've relinquished so much that you may barely recognize your life at this point, Taurus. You've certainly learned to simplify your world in 2013, and now you're getting ready to go rebuild towards greater beauty and harmony. The focus of 2014 is all about communication, work and daily ritual. If you've been promising yourself for eons that you'll get your daily routine into better balance as in: more exercise, better sleep and less work, this is the year to make that happen.

2014 will bring plenty of opportunities for networking and learning new things. Your curiosity is piqued especially through July. Use this positive influence to turn any negative though patterns into more optimistic, big-picture thinking. This is your year to find your inspiration, hope and purpose. If you've been struggling to figure out what you came to this Earth to do, you can count on 2014 to deliver the vision. Now that you've relinquished all that no longer serves you, there is room for the new to take hold and improve your world in a thousand ways.

There is a big emphasis this year on your work and health zone, so plan to direct the majority of your energy towards your daily affairs, projects and your wellbeing in 2014. You're learning the art of balance and beauty, and finding new ways to make your work more creative and less dreary. This is because your entire mindset is changing for the better and you're realizing that just because you're loyal, hardworking and full of more perseverance than most doesn't mean that you have to stick it out in what feels more like drudgery and duty than work that you love.

Taurus Love

The lessons around commitment and intimacy get deeper as Saturn continues his two-and-a-half-year sojourn through your partnership house, Taurus. This is an important time to face all fears and insecurities when it comes to relationships. You've been forced to face every personal demon you never knew you had over the past year and now you're getting to see just how strong and loyal you really are. Despite your placid outer nature, there is a very passionate and sensitive side to you that you're finally getting to experience in your relationships.

Your ruling planet (lovely Venus) starts off the year in one of her more rare retrograde phases in sister Earth sign, Capricorn. You'll feel like you're covering old ground, if not encountering lovers from the past under this influence. Either way, you'll be revisiting some of your more entrenched relationship patterns. All of this is to test what you want -- and don't want -- in a partnership. There's a chance to finally get clear on where your boundaries are with others. This is also an excellent influence for building on all of the relationship lessons you've had over the past few years. Your integrity is getting more solid every day, and this will do wonders for either attracting or keeping an amazing partner.

Lucky Jupiter will be adding romance and more heartfelt connection in your love life over the second half of the year (starting in July). You'll be ready for more pleasure and less family duty for a refreshing change. You'll feel a strong calling to embrace your childlike spirit and surrender to love in a way you haven't felt in 12 years. This is your year to throw all caution to the wind when it comes to embracing the needs of your heart.

Taurus Career

2014 starts off with Mars -- the planet of drive and ambition -- amping up your work zone. In fact, this aggressive planet will be running an unusually long stint in this part of your horoscope (six months to be exact). This gives you the entire first half of the year to apply your energies wholeheartedly to your work. The new goal is to bring more beauty and creativity into every aspect of your creative process and daily rituals. You'll be amazed at how much you get done and how much drive you have to excel and accomplish more than you ever thought possible, Taurus. There may be a pause and revise phase with your projects that takes place between March and May, but after that prepare for full speed ahead until July. Expect to grow a ton in the career department. Whereas 2013 may have felt cloudy and confusing around your life's purpose, 2014 brings you one opportunity after the next to truly live out your dream and actually make money doing it.

Be sure to work the lucky influence of Jupiter in your networking and correspondence zone during the first half of 2104. You've got great fortune on your side, plus a way with words this year, Taurus. Put yourself and your message out there in a big way with Jupiter's generous backing of your words. It's best to appeal to people's feelings more than their minds under this year's watery and emotional influence. Trust your gut exclusively when making any major business decisions because your intuition is spot on this year -- especially up through July.

Saturn continues to teach you valuable lessons around the integrity of contracts in both business and love. When it comes to career, you have learned to become highly discerning with your choice of associates and allies. After more disappointing situations with colleagues and/or business partners than you care to count, you're seeing how crucial it is to align yourself with those who share your values, patience and most importantly -- your loyalty. Flaky and reckless types need not apply. What you need are partners willing to go the long haul even when the going gets tough -- just like you!

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01/02/2014 6:50 am
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