
2014 is the year to broaden your horizons and fly the friendly skies, Aquarius. The emphasis is on long-distance travel, philosophy and all forms of conscious awareness. If you've been hiding out at home, this is the year to get packing. Unprecedented adventure awaits. Life is sure to take you on some important journeys (literally, figuratively or both) on the quest for revealing the kind of mind-blowing truths that can only come from direct experience. You'll have Mars firing up your house of travel for the entire first half of the year and quickly joined by the North Node of Fate in March. Wanderlust and travel fever could easily become daily themes, especially during the first half of the year. If you're not able to physically travel, opt for activities that expand your mental and spiritual horizons, even if that means learning a foreign language or furthering your education.

Jupiter will keep you plenty busy for the first half of the year as the planet of abundance brings work -- and more work. Your daily routine will be filled to the max, but rich and nurturing nonetheless. You may wonder if you'll ever have time to pause and catch your breath, but luckily the energy will shift in July. You'll move into a new phase where your relationships become primary, and the daily grind slips into the background.

Saturn continues to hold court at the top of your horoscope for another year. This high-powered status position only comes about once every 29 years -- so work it, Aquarius! The prestige continues, as does the heavy load of responsibility that comes with it. You have even surprised yourself with the level of dedication and determination you've demonstrated over the past year. Your stellar discipline is paying off, and this inspires you to work even harder. Starting in March, you're being called to consider the bigger picture. This requires letting go of certain obsessive mental ruts that keep you spinning and lost in the details.

Aquarius Love

Travel and romance are quite synonymous in 2014. It's even possible you could fall in love with someone from a foreign country or at least while visiting one. Then again, maybe you just fall in love with the country itself. In any case, you have the fabulous influence of Jupiter bringing huge blessings to your relationship zone starting this summer. This not only bodes well socially but also in terms of potential partners. You can expect to have quite an expansive pool to choose from. Jupiter brings opportunities in ample amounts, almost to the point of exaggeration so expect a jackpot of potential suitors. If you're already romantically hooked up, Jupiter will help take your commitment beyond the current plateau. It's all about expansion and adventure in 2014, Aquarius. The more you jet, the happier and luckier your love life!

There's a crazy spirit of generosity and playful energy that kicks in this summer. There are times when you approach your love life in a more practical and detached manner, treating your beloved more like your friend. And then there are times like this summer when your child-like spirit triumphs and the underlying (and often hidden) romantic side of your personality takes over. Enjoy the return of this super fun and spontaneous spurt that lasts from July until the end of the year. Your love life will blissfully feel more like a playground than a battleground for once. Hurray!

The North Node of Fate is moving into the sign of relationships in March setting the stage for everyone to work on finding more harmony and balance in relationships. If your love life has felt out of kilter, or your partnership off balance, this new nodal phase is the perfect course corrector to get the equality back between you and your beloved. This may require some adapting and some compromise on your part, Aquarius, but the flow and love that results is totally worth it. If you're willing to put in the work, you'll definitely find more contentment in your love life in 2014 than you have for years.

Aquarius Career

Work and career goals continue to be top priorities for you in 2014, Aquarius. You've got loads of planetary support to keep you thriving in whatever new projects you decide to take on. It's easy to overdo it with your scheduling during the first half of the year, so be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. The steady stream of work will continue, so don't be afraid to turn down a few projects if only to save your health and sanity. Plus, when the North Node of Fate moves into the sign of balance, you'll feel a strong need to calm the frenzy. You're totally in a power position all year long with Saturn still sitting pretty at the top of your horoscope (in his favorite position). You radiate authority and magnetism without having to make a big fuss.

Jupiter will move into your house of clients and partnerships in July, making it extremely advantageous to team up with the right people. Choose to partner with those who compliment your strengths and balance your weak areas. This is not a year to play out any of your Aquarian lone-wolf tendencies. Although you're the master at collecting groups of people to collaborate with, your challenge this year is to adapt to more intimate one-on-one work dynamics. This may feel highly uncomfortable and unfamiliar at first, but you'll soon glean the powerful potential. It's all about choosing the right match, and this in itself is an art you'll be practicing all year long. The other big lesson is to watch your tongue and any spontaneous but aggressive outbursts that have ruined business relations in the past. You have a way of seeming more detached than you really are; when tensions finally mount, others are shocked when you swiftly and unexpectedly chop them right out of your world. 2014 is the year of diplomacy, tolerance and compromise. This will come up both personally and professionally, so work on taking a graceful approach.

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01/02/2014 7:18 am
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