
leaf - [leef] - /lif/

Noun, plural leaves [leevz] - /livz/
1. one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant.
2. any similar or corresponding lateral outgrowth of a stem.
3. a petal: a rose leaf.
4. leaves collectively; foliage.
5. Bibliography . a unit generally comprising two printed, blank, or illustrated pages of a book, one on each side.
6. a thin sheet of metal: silver leaf.
7. a lamina or layer.
8. a sliding, hinged, or detachable flat part, as of a door or tabletop.
9. a section of a drawbridge.
10. a single strip of metal in a leaf spring.
11. a tooth of a small gear wheel, as of a pinion.
12. leaf fat.
13. Textiles. shaft (  def 14 ) .

Verb (used without object)
14. to put forth leaves.
15. to turn pages, especially quickly (usually followed by through  ): to leaf through a book.

Verb (used with object)
16. to thumb or turn, as the pages of a book or magazine, in a casual or cursory inspection of the contents.

17. in leaf, covered with foliage; having leaves: the pale green tint of the woods newly in leaf.
18. take a leaf out of / fromsomeone's book, to follow someone's example; imitate: Some countries that took a leaf out of American industry's book are now doing very well for themselves.
19. turn over a new leaf, to begin anew; make a fresh start: Every New Year's we make resolutions to turn over a new leaf.

before 900; Middle English leef, lef, Old English lēaf;  cognate with Dutch loof, German Laub, Old Norse lauf, Gothic laufs

Example Sentences:
Leaf  axils the space created between a leaf  and its branch.
Leaf  scar the mark left on a branch from the previous location of a bud or   leaf .
Stipules a pair of outgrowths from the base of the leaf  petiole.
Actinodromous when the main veins of a leaf  radiate from the tip of the   petiole.
Leaf  type abruptly pinnate a compound leaf  without a terminal leaf let.
Leaf  blade margins crenulate with shallow, small rounded teeth.
Fimbriate finely cut into fringes, the edge of a frilly petal or leaf .
Each leaf  consists of three obovate leaf lets with serrate leaf  margins.
The leaf  was then dried and rubbed with ink, which would form a stain in the wound.
The interiors are densely saturated with elaborate gold leaf  ornamentation.

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12/26/2013 1:57 am
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