
boy - [boi] - /bɔɪ/

1. a male child, from birth to full growth, especially one less than 18 years of age.
2. a young man who lacks maturity, judgment, etc.
3. Informal. a grown man, especially when referred to familiarly: He liked to play poker with the boys.
4. a son: Sam's oldest boy is helping him in the business.
5. a male who is from or native to a given place.
6. boys, ( used with a singular or plural verb )
a. a range of sizes from 8 to 20 in garments made for boys.
b. a garment in this size range.
c. the department or section of a store where these garments are sold.
7. boys, military personnel, especially combat soldiers: Support the boys overseas.
8. Disparaging and Offensive. a term used to refer to or address a man considered by the speaker to be inferior in race, nationality, or occupational status.
9. a young male servant; page.
10. Offensive. (in India, China, Japan, etc.) a native male servant, working as a butler, waiter, houseboy, etc.
11. Nautical . an apprentice seaman or fisherman.

Interjection Also, oh, boy.
12. an exclamation of wonder, approval, etc., or of displeasure or contempt.

1250–1300; Middle English boy ( e ), perhaps after Old English Bōia  man's name; cognate with Frisian boi  young man; akin to Old English bōfa, Old Norse bōfi, Old High German Buobo  man's name ( German Bube  knave, (dial.) boy, lad)

Can be confused: boy, buoy.

Usage Note:
During the slavery and Jim Crow eras, white southerners would use the term boy  to refer to or address a black adult male, implying that black people were inferior. In the meaning “native male servant,” boy  was originally used in colonial territories and in the ports of China, Japan, etc., through which trade with foreign countries was permitted by special treaty.

Example Sentences:
When the boy  is ready to be married, his mother will initiate him in the use of   the coca.
The boy  tried to conceal the book, fearing the reaction of his grandfather.
In the final scene, fran mentions a boy  that she dated years ago.
Women were thus better suited to these boy  roles than actual boy s.
If he does then the boy  who got discovered will go to bring new leaf and so on.
But she was paid some amount and left in charge of a kami boy .
Rather, the reading public was forced to wait two months to discover if the boy  lived.
He was the only boy  who paid yaz any attention, much to her horror and disgust.
Due to his youthful appearance he was often called the boy  governor.

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12/26/2013 6:29 am
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