
What Are Prohibited Shipping Items?

Certain items cannot be received, stored, shipped, imported and/or exported due to regulatory, hazard, safety or other reasons. Transactions involving these commodities are strictly prohibited, regardless of origin or destination.


Please note: Prohibited items are forbidden to be exported from the origin country or territory or imported to the destination country or territory.


What are Restricted Shipping Items?

Certain items have regulatory, hazard, safety or other considerations and require approval from Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management and Legal departments prior to handling. Transactions involving these commodities are restricted, regardless of origin or destination.


Please note: Restricted items may require special permits or licenses prior to their sale, export from or import to your specified country or territory.


Aspirin (including pain relieving medicines)

Dairy Products



War material (except for Austrian Ministry of Defense)


Category A infectious materials

Animal & Animal Products

Nutritional Supplements (contact customs for specifics)

The following items from Japan are prohibited: Food, nutritional supplements, proteins, living animals and any fluid substances from animals

Nutritional supplements are prohibited, however there are exceptions, please contact Austrian Customs for specifics.

Commodities/products of Iranian origin (""Made in Iran"") regardless to shipments origin or destination

Explosives except class 1.4S radio-actives category A infectious materials

Japanese origin organic substances found under HS codes chapters (01-35)

Products under HS codes sub-chapter (2106,2934 and 3824) containing Acesulfam from China requiring an original signed Country of Origin Certificate

Electronic cigarettes, parts and liquid for electronic cigarettes to private individuals



The above information is for informational purposes only.  Please consult with the appropriate authorities when deciding to ship internationally.

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Date added:
06/12/2022 10:45 am
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