
li·on - [lahy-uhn] - /ˈlaɪən/

1. a large, usually tawny-yellow cat, Panthera leo,  native to Africa and southern Asia, having a tufted tail and, in the male, a large mane.
2. any of various related large wildcats, as the cougar.
3. a man of great strength, courage, etc.
4. a person of great importance, influence, charm, etc., who is much admired as a celebrity: a literary lion.
5. the lion as the national emblem of Great Britain.
6. ( initial capital letter ) Astronomy, Astrology . the constellation or sign of Leo.
7. ( initial capital letter ) a member of any one of the internationally affiliated service clubs (International Association of Lions Clubs)  founded in 1917 and dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship, sound government, and community, national, and international welfare.
8. Numismatics .
a. a silver, Anglo-Gallic denier, issued during the reign of Henry III, bearing the figure of a lion.
b. a gold coin of Scotland, issued c1400–1589, bearing the figure of a lion.
c. any of various other coins bearing the figure of a lion.
d. hardhead .
9. British . an object of interest or note.

10. beard the lion in its den, to confront or attack someone, especially a powerful or feared person, in that person's own familiar surroundings.
11. twist the lion's tail, to tax the patience of or provoke a person, group, nation, or government, especially that of Great Britain.

before 900; Middle English  < Old French,  variant of leon  < Latin leōn-  (stem of leō ) < Greek léōn;  replacing Middle English, Old English lēo  < Latin,  as above

Example Sentences:
Others believe full-time faculty members deserve the lion 's share of money for   student instruction.
But the heel pad is too big for a mountain lion , the toes too close to the back   pad.
Lifeguards attribute the stinging streak in part to an unusually robust   population of lion 's mane jellies.
Captives, which insure the parent companies' risk, still take the lion 's share   of the alternative-risk market.
The privileges of reserve-currency status were not confined to the dollar, though it enjoyed the lion 's share.
The traditional lion  dance proved so popular that several venues struggled to find troupes to perform as advertised.
The government has unveiled plans to give the state the lion 's share of the money from vast new oil discoveries.
The rationale was that, since everyone now knows where the oil is, the lion 's share of the profits should go to the nation.
The lion  should chase the gazelle for as long as possible to maximize the chance of catching it.
Imagine getting cuffed by a sea lion  then pulled in by a rope.

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Date added:
12/26/2013 2:08 am
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